Equipping the Spirit-empowered saints for the work of service (Ephesians 4:12)
Spirit-empowered Disciples serving God, His Word, His People and His Mission (Acts 13:2; Acts 6:4; Galatians 5:13; 2 Corinthians 5:18)
- David Ferguson
- Scott Gillum
- Brenda Gillum
- Alton Garrison
General Council of Assemblies of God
- Randall Parris
Church of God Cleveland
- Lee Roy Martin
Church of God Cleveland
- Brian Sutton
Church of God Prophecy
- Ryan Horn
General Council of Assemblies of God
- Bill Muench
Great Commandment Network
- To write sermons, reflecting the 40 Spirit-empowered discipleship outcomes; this will support pastors and churches
- To write curriculum and other resources, reflecting the 40 Spirit-empowered discipleship outcomes; this will support teachers in churches and parachurch organizations
- To offer workshops to provide equipping in Spirit-empowered discipleship